Monday, February 13, 2012

WHAT A KISS.............

It was passed midnight and I was deep asleep. Suddenly my room lit up with bright white light and I woke up. What I saw was so amazing that it stunned me. I saw that room was brightened as if it was broad day light. Then I saw a white beam of light having a six feet diameter coming from the roof and I was astonished to see that I could see through the roof as if it is not there. I saw that the beam of light, which was having a very cool effect, was coming from far up even beyond the sky from a distant nowhere. Then I saw some movement far up in the center of the white beam. It was as if something was coming down. It came near and near and I was surprised even more when I was able to make out as to what it is. When it came to within my sight that those were beautiful girls in white robs who were descending in the light beam as if floating down. They were so pretty that it is beyond words to explain their beauty. I thought that I am still sleeping and dreaming. To confirm whether I was sleeping or awake, I pinched myself and felt the pain of the pinch. So, I was not dreaming and was wide awake.
The girls came down and surrounded by bed, on which I was lying. They were giggling and smiling and were discussing to take me along. Then I heard a voice or a sound, which was as if it was coming from very far but very clear. It was a very strange voice or sound which cannot be explained. The voice told the girls that I was not to be brought. The girls still laughing and playing with each other encircled me. One of the girls, who seemed to be their leader, was pushed naughtily towards me by the others. She blushingly bends over me and kissed me on my lips.
What a kiss. It was my virgin kiss which somebody has ever given me on my lips. A soothing sensation ran over my entire body. Each and every strand, nerves, and all the parts of my body were intoxicated and I was in a state of joy and intoxication. My lips went sweet and delightfully moist and the sweetness was much more than the sweetness of honey but this was an unexplainable type of sweetness having a very strange but loving aroma. I had and have never tasted that sweetness and aroma ever and it is beyond explanation.
The girl’s fragrance was not of this world. She was having beautiful big eyes having an unexplainable colour of steel blue, green, gray and almond. Lovely big eye lashes and long thick hair with a wonderful twit of black, golden, brown and chestnut. Her pinkish white skin was with such a texture that I could see her bodily details including her veins under her skin.
While I was still inebriant, that the strange voice made a call and the girls started floating up and waving me goodbye. Slowly and gradually they were climbing up. I kept looking at them a far as I could see and then they disappeared beyond my sight. The beam of light also started diminishing slowly and then it was all dark again. I put on the table lamp and was surprised to see the roof and nothing beyond. The room was still filled with the coolness of the light and the bodily perfume of the girls.
It is almost more than forty years that this happened and I still do not have any explanation as to what it was. For years to come, I could feel the sweetness on my lips. Rather my lips were sweet and I used to suck them time and again for enjoying the taste of that sweetness.

I also noticed a change in my mother. Before this incident she used to kiss me on my cheeks but after this, because of some strange reason, she started kissing me on my lips.
The sweetness of my lips remained till I got married. It vanished on the very first night of my marriage. However, I have noticed that people still stare at my lips and those who are close to me; do not hesitate to praise my lips, specially the lower lip. Still, at times, I long for that sweetness and suck my lips but cannot find the lost sweetness.

 By Zaffar Iqbal Durrani


shoaib said...
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shoaib said...

ahem ahem, i hope mom knws abt ds incident... :-p

Zaffariqbal Durrani said...

Yes she knows it. Thank you for your nice comments